Home Community Community News Southold Town bests Peconic Landing in annual softball match-up, 12-8

Southold Town bests Peconic Landing in annual softball match-up, 12-8

Staff members of Southold Town and Peconic Landing hit the field in Jean Cochran Park yesterday for their second annual softball game. Contrary to last year’s game where the town remained scoreless, Southold won 12-8.

What made the difference this year?

“We made sure to let all the highway guys know about the game in advance,” said Supervisor Scott Russell. Russell himself was unable to play after breaking his finger catching a pop fly in practice on Tuesday. “It was our one and only practice — but it was one more than we had last year, at least,” he said.

Photo: Courtney Blasl.
Photo: Courtney Blasl.

And the practice paid off. As the first run was batted in during the first inning, Southold teammates exchanged high fives, celebrating that they weren’t going to be shut-out again. The game, which started at 5:30 p.m., stretched into 11 innings, with Southold eventually coming out on top.

The competition is all in good fun, says Peconic Landing president Robert Syron.

“We just completed a big expansion, so we really got to know a lot of the people in our government,” Syron said. “It’s great to get out here and play. It’s always a lot of fun.”

SoutholdLOCAL photos by Courtney Blasl.


Courtney Blasl
Courtney is a freelance photographer, videographer, web designer and writer. She is a lifelong Riverhead resident.