Home News Local News Photos: Hundreds turn out to dedicate new Mattituck track

Photos: Hundreds turn out to dedicate new Mattituck track

Blue and gold were the colors of the day Friday as hundreds turned out for the ribbon cutting of the new track at Mattituck High School.

The event featured a presentation of the colors by the NJROTC, thoughts by new Superintendent Dr. Anne Smith, who said the crowd of people who’d turned out to support the event was a reflection of fierce school spirit.

“When our community is strong, our children learn more,” she said.

Mattituck High School Principal Shawn Petretti said even when the school had a cinder track, students were proud. Seeing the track born, Petretti added, “It was impressive to watch the efforts” not only from school administration, but the community, so make a dream come true.

Even members of the Class of 2014, he said, were “integral in ‘not taking no for an answer'”.

“This track is a representation that when the community comes together, great things happen.”

Former star athletes Lynette Wigington and Diane Reilly, both New York State champs, recalled running on the cinder track and having to go to other districts for qualifying meets. Both applauded the new track and said they were thrilled to see it unveiled for new students.

The Class of 2015, as well as tiny kindergartners, the Class of 2027, took a first commemorative lap around the field as the crowd cheered.

Next, the Mattituck Fire Department ignited a huge bonfire, and kids participated in a pep rally.

Members of the junior class, of which her sister Carly is a member wore bright pink T-shirts in memory of Kaitlyn Doorhy, who died tragically recently. Kait’s mom Darla Doorhy said the bonfire was planned in memory of her daughter.

After the bonfire, kids enjoyed a spirited Tucker Bowl with students and faculty.

Festivities continue Saturday with Homecoming Games at noon and 2 p.m. at Mattituck High School