Preparations are already taking place for Mattituck Presbyterian Church’s 300th anniversary in 2015.
And this week, a new logo was unveiled to commemorate the big event. The logo was designed by artist and congregant Bob Mueller of Mattituck and will be used on all church materials throughout 2015 in honor of MPC’s 300th anniversary. The year-long celebration will culminate with a celebration beginning on Friday, June 5 and running through Sunday, June 7, 2015 at the church, located on Main Road.
“My goal was to present a contemporary and vibrant look drawing on traditional Christian symbolism,” Mueller said. “The central image was inspired by the Celtic ‘Trinity knot’ design and is formed by three fishes — an early symbol of the Christian Church.”
According to Mueller, fish also represent the development of life and agriculture on the North Fork, where until recent years, the fields were fertilized each spring with menhaden, also known as bunker.
“Aside from the Trinity, on which our faith is founded, the triumvirate of fish represent the three centuries our Church has been active in bringing God’s word to the community,” he said. “Blue and green were chosen to represent the land and water that are part of our daily experience.”
Although plans for the weekend celebration are still in the works, church officials say that there will be a series of events for the entire family to enjoy including historic craft demonstrations, worship services, live music, horse and buggy rides, historical tours, and much more.