Home Living Outdoors ‘Scup-ocolypse’ on Peconic Bay!

‘Scup-ocolypse’ on Peconic Bay!


They have finally arrived. The porgies (otherwise known as scup) had begun to trickle into Peconic Bay last week and by Saturday, reports were coming in from local captains of significant catches, with some very big fish in the mix.

2015_brian_nigro_badgeThe Celtic Quest, fishing out of East Creek in Jamesport, is reporting excellent porgy fishing all week. Many anglers are catching their limit, with some keeper weakfish in the mix. The Celtic Quest will be starting combination trips for porgy and fluke starting Sunday.

LOCAL sharpie Peter Blasl called me to report some nice striped bass fishing in some of the local saltwater creeks in the greater Riverhead area.

The Peconic Star reports that fishing was very close to the dock and that there were lots of big porgies being caught. Captain Dave also reported that they had begun to see some bluefish, as well. The Peconic Star will be sailing one boat for fluke starting on Sunday. The other boat will continue to target porgies.

I called Captain Phil Kess from the Fishy Business for some recon. He has seen many boats limiting out while porgy fishing and said there is lots of bait in the area, with blues and bass starting to appear. The Fishy Business will be sailing an open charter on Sunday, May 17. Make sure to call for reservations.

Capt Rob Thompson’s report was in line with what Captain Phil said. Additionally, Rob witnessed a bluefish blitz in Orient Harbor. His first fly fishing charter will be this Sunday. Captain Rob asks people to call for availability and wanted to let my readers know he can pick up at any public dock in the area.

Last but not least, in Mattituck, The Capt Bob Fleet will begin fishing for jumbo fluke on May 17. They will be awarding a season pass for the largest fluke caught on both the a.m. and p.m. trips.

If you want to send me a picture or report about your recent fishing trip, contact me, Brian Nigro, at eelocalreports@gmail.com

Tight Lines!

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Brian Nigro is a lifelong avid fisherman and former charter boat captain. He’s fished from Alaska to Mexico and lots of places in between, but his favorite place to fish is right here on the East End.