The first annual Greenport Egg Roll will take place this Saturday, March 26, at Mitchell Park.
The traditional Easter egg hunt will be organized by age group. Children between the ages of two and five will begin hunting at 10:30 a.m. while those aged six to ten will begin their egg hunt at noon. Hunting begins on time, so participants are encouraged to show up early.
Children are also encouraged to bring their own baskets, but bags will be provided to anyone without one.
Greenport’s seafaring Easter Bunny will stop by for a visit, and the Blue Duck Bakery’s big blue duck will be handing out tickets for a free cookie at its shop across the street. The duck and bunny will both be available for pictures during the event.
Children will also receive a free ride on the carousel after each egg hunt session.
The event is free, sponsored by the Greenport BID. For more information, visit Greenport Village’s website.