The Seattle-like weather of the last few weeks has affected the porgy bite, according to most captains. Porgies are infamous for this behavior. Good news is the fish are still there —captains and fishermen just need to work a little harder to put together a catch. Stripers don’t seem to mind the weather and seem to be plentiful throughout Flanders and Peconic Bays.
Captain Rob Thompson is enthusiastic about bass fishing prospects near shore, the nearer the better. There are lots of active fish in the creeks waiting for water temperatures to rise so they can move out into the bays. Fish are in the 18″-26″ class.
Captain Phil Kess from the Fishy Business says porgy fishing has bounced back from last weekend’s slow-down. Phil reports bass are still around in the bays, and he has some open by reservation fluke-opener trips on May 17, May 18 and May 19.
The fun story of this week comes from the Capt. Bob Fleet in Mattituck. Captain Jon ran his annual flounder derby last weekend. The heaviest fish from each trip wins a season pass on the boat. The winners were Laura Pavlik and Bill Addesso. Bill Addesso has won three consecutive season passes! Sounds like Bill is the “flounder whisperer.” Normally, in this day and age, this would not be a very useful niche talent. The Capt. Bob fleet has provided a way for Mr. Addesso to capitalize on his unique talent. Congratulations to both winners!
Captain Ken Holmes on the Brooklyn Girl, out of the Orient by the Sea Marina, reported a “soft bite” with lulls in the action during last Saturday’s rainy trip. Pete won the pool with a 19.75″ dinner plate porgy. High hook caught 20 big porgies. Ken also reports releasing sea bass to 4.5 pounds.
Captain Mark from the Celtic Quest fleet, fishing out of East Creek in Jamesport, reports very good porgy fishing the last few days. Fish were caught up to 3+ pounds, with a smattering of fluke, bass and weakfish to sweeten the deal. Mark is looking forward to the fluke opener (Tuesday May 17) because of the numbers of fluke they are seeing on clam baits.
Tight lines!
Saturday High Tides:
Greenport 6:06 a.m and 6:48 p.m
Orient Harbor 5:50 a.m and 6:31 p.m
Full Moon May 21
New Moon June 4
Brian Nigro is a lifelong avid fisherman and former charter boat captain. He’s fished from Alaska to Mexico and lots of places in between, but his favorite place to fish is right here on the East End.
Questions, comments, tips and boasts? Write to Brian:
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