The much anticipated NBA finals rematch between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers can be completely ignored. Fishing is too good on the North Fork to watch basketball from obscure markets.
The Plum Gut’s bass are cooperating, as are fluke in the Long Island Sound, and the areas around Gardiner’s Island. The Peconics are loaded with jumbo porgies.
The Brooklyn Girl, in Orient Point, has been busy with the big three. Captain Ken has put his customers on fluke to eight pounds. The flatties are responding best to long strips with white skirts. Ken has also gotten out in the Plum Gut for some bucktailing, fish to 30 pounds and boat limits are common. The split charter on June 1 limited out, releasing six more keepers plus ten shorts. Steve Casko won the pool with a thirty pounder. White bucktails did most of the damage on The Brooklyn Girl that night. Porgy fishing is white hot, with early limits common.
The Fishy Business in Orient Point has been prowling local waters for bass and porgies. Captain Phil Kess says the bass are biting on both sides of the tide. His customers are catching their limits of fish to forty pounds, with white or green bucktails and diamond jigs. Jumbo porgy fishing is just lights out. Fluke require a little more time and effort to put together a catch.
Captain Rob Thompson says the fly fishing scene is equally hot. Gator blues and stripers are coming in mornings and evenings. Bass are biting small flies. Check out Captain Rob Thompson’s website to get in on this action.
My good friend and innovative fly-tying maven, Bob Marvin, gave me one of his best bucktails in exchange for a brief welding refresher course. I was anxious to try out both the bucktail and Reeves beach. I only had an hour to slip out and it was an amazing confluence of wrong conditions. Wind against tide hamstrung my drift. My fluke pipe dreams were replaced by angry sea robins barking at me. The devil is in the details, indeed.
Watch Steph Curry launch a barrage of mind numbing treys, or get out into this action, the choice is clear to me. Tight lines everyone!
Local High Tides:
Greenport Harbor
Saturday 10:41 a.m. and 10:53 p.m.
Sunday 11:37 a.m. and 11:46 p.m.
Mattituck Inlet
Saturday 11:31 a.m. and 11:47 p.m.
Sunday 12:22 p.m.
Moon Stage: New moon on June 4
Brian Nigro is a lifelong avid fisherman and former charter boat captain. He’s fished from Alaska to Mexico and lots of places in between, but his favorite place to fish is right here on the East End.
Questions, comments, tips and boasts? Write to Brian:
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