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In the Kitchen
Roasted red pepper pesto over pasta: simple recipe for a lazy summer day

The days of summer are growing long. Days off have become lazy beach-days that leave the carpets of my car hidden beneath a layer of sand. Family dinners are becoming few and far between.

Summer life has taken over.

What better way to end a long day filled with the smell of the ocean than with a simple home cooked meal? Complexity is not the goal here. All it takes is a few boxes of pasta and a simple sauce to pour over them. This can be the perfect way to satisfy the need for a warm, fulfilling meal after a day of rest and relaxation.

I know I said this was going to be a quick and easy recipe, but there is one small task that must be completed beforehand in order to create this post beach day meal: roasting red peppers.

It sounds complicated but entirely simple. Here’s what you do:

2014 0712 kitchen2Lightly coat red bell peppers in olive oil and place on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for one hour, rotating the peppers halfway through. You can also roast peppers over an open flame. I would suggest using your gas stove, grill or fire pit, and holding the peppers over the flame with a pair of tongs. Rotate until all sides are blackened.

After you have roasted your peppers, place them inside a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for approximately 5-8 minutes. This will create a steam pocket and allow the skin to release itself. Under a light stream of running water, rub the blackened skin off of the peppers. Pull out seeds, stem and ribs. Done! Easy, right?

You can use your own home grown peppers, roast them days in advance and keep in the fridge covered in olive oil inside an airtight container. They’re also the perfect side-project to cook while you’re in the kitchen prepping another meal.

Roasted red peppers give this dish the twist it needs, leaving you with warmth to ease your senses after beaching it all day.

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Over Pasta

Yield: Enough for 1 lb cooked pasta

Ingredients:2014 0712 kitchen3

2 Red bell peppers, roasted and coarsely chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
1/4 cup fresh grated pecorino romano cheese
1/4 Olive oil
1 garlic clove, mashed and coarsely chopped
Salt and pepper
1 lb cooked pasta


1. In a food processor combine the garlic, basil and roasted peppers. Pulse until chopped well. Add the nuts, cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper. Turn the machine on and quickly pour in the olive oil. After all of the oil has been added turn the machine off. Add salt and pepper to taste. If still too coarse, pulse a few more times until desired texture.
2. Toss spoonfuls with cooked pasta until well coated. Sprinkle with more cheese and drizzle with olive oil. Serve immediately.

Editor’s note: Kayleigh is off this week. This column was originally published in July 2014.



baig kayleigh

Kayleigh Van Vliet Baig was born and raised in Riverhead, where she lives with her husband Tahir and their two dogs.

Kayleigh is in her third season as Sous Chef at a private kitchen in Southampton. Not only is she second in command but her main focus is on creating, preparing and executing cold dishes such as salads, hors d’œuvres, appetizers, canapés, pâtés and terrines. Kayleigh has been in the culinary industry for the last 15 years, working her way up in kitchens on the East End. She also is a personal chef.

Look for In the Kitchen with Kayleigh every Saturday on RiverheadLOCAL.com.

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Denise Civiletti
Denise is a veteran local reporter and editor, an attorney and former Riverhead Town councilwoman. Her work has been recognized with numerous awards, including a “writer of the year” award from the N.Y. Press Association in 2015. She is a founder, owner and co-publisher of this website.