Southold-Greenport Drama Club presents “Sabrina Fair,” a comedy of manners set on Long Island in the 1950s as its next production.
The show, co-directed by Casey Rooney and Jessica Ellwood, tells the story “of a very rich family named Larrabee and Sabrina Fairchild, the daughter of their family chauffeur. She is bright, well-educated, and has just returned from five years in Paris, where she has done a brilliant job as an executive in a U.S. government overseas office. She has come home to find out if she is still in love with the younger Larrabee son, David. The elder son, Linus, a cynical, good-humored tycoon who has taken control of the family fortune, detects Sabrina’s feeling for his brother, and for his own amusement lays a trap to bring them together. It works: David falls in love with Sabrina and wants to marry her. At the same time, a rich young Frenchman who has known Sabrina in Paris turns up and asks her to marry him. After an amusing scene in which Sabrina’s father, the chauffeur, makes a rather amazing revelation, Sabrina finally chooses the man she truly loves.”
The performances are scheduled for Friday, Oct. 27 and Saturday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 29 at 2 p.m. in the Greenport High School auditorium.
Tickets, available at the door, are $10 for adults and $6 for seniors and students.