To the Editor:
The frustration of the Southold PBA about investing in an overhaul of the department’s communication system is understandable. Each member’s attendance at the last Town Board meeting underscores the need to move forward as quickly as we can. This is imperative to ensure, not just the safety of the officers but, the safety of the entire community.
There may be a misconception, however, that any delays are on the part of the Town Board. This board needs no prodding. It has made a firm commitment to make the resources available to the department as soon as the leadership there identifies a solution it deems the best. This was true when the police chief first proposed this during the budget work session in 2014 and again in 2015. I have no doubt that our commitment to move forward will be the same as we develop the budget this year.
Technology evolves quickly. This, coupled with the cost of a new system and identifying the needs specific to Southold, makes designing a new system a challenge, to say the least. I am sure that the careful and deliberate pace set by the leadership of the department reflects meeting this challenge in an effort to do what is best, not just for the officers but, for the entire community, as well.
Scott Russell
Southold Town supervisor