Barcelona, my hometown, won’t be defeated: Barcelona tiene poder
A native of Barcelona, Maria Piedrabuena had returned from an extended visit with family just two weeks before the deadly terror attack.
Guest column The times are not a-changing
At a concert at the Suffolk Theater by Peter Yarrow and Melanie featuring the folk music of the 60s and 70s about peace, love and understanding, a fight broke out in the audience. It temporarily stopped the show and prompted an on-stage discourse on hate and violence by the leader of Peter, Paul and Mary .
Thiele: $7.6 billion bailout for aging upstate nuclear plants a double insult to L.I. ratepayers
Long Islanders paid for LILCO’s Shoreham mistake so that a nuclear plant would not open. Now the state wants Long Islanders to pay again so that nuclear plants in another part of New York will not close.
Opinion Congressman Zeldin, your constituents deserve more open, two-way discussion on many important issues
New York's First District residents deserve a face-to-face meeting with their congressman to discuss many important issues in a two-way conversation.
Rep. Lee Zeldin on Obamacare, education, infrastructure and the environment
Rep. Lee Zeldin discusses education, infrastructure, healthcare, and environmental priorities facing our district in this second of a two-part op-ed.
Congressman Zeldin must present evidence to back up his claims
Congressman Zeldin can no longer assume he can make statements without having to defend them. His constituents demand and deserve evidence-based justification for his positions.
Zeldin: My local legislative priorities
Rep. Lee Zeldin sets forth his local legislative priorities in this first of a two-part op-ed.
In My Opinion Zeldin owes his constituents a meeting
Rep. Lee Zeldin, who canceled an April 13 town hall meeting in Southampton citing protesters, should face his constituents whether they agree with him or not, writes Amy Turner of Wainscott.
In My OpinionFrom Obamacare to Trumpcare: What to expect if the controversial health care law is repealed and replaced as promised
An insurance agent who's dealt with the changing landscape of health care and health insurance for more than 20 years gives his insights on what will likely happen if the Affordable Care Act is repealed.
OpinionZeldin: Combatting opioid epidemic requires more funding for treatment, education and law enforcement
In the coming weeks, Congress will take up legislation to provide funding for a three-pronged approach to combat the heroin and opioid abuse epidemic.