Eileen Benthal
Life on PurposeContemplations on the true meaning of Memorial Day lead to a journey of mercy
Reflections on the meaning of Memorial Day lead to a pilgrimage of mercy with the hope that compassion and kindness will help heal our nation.
Life on PurposeInvictus Games remind us that spiritual strength conquers despair
The Invictus Games, dedicated to athletes with disabilities, reminds us that despite our struggles we are invincible with God's help.
A daughter’s reflection on her first Mother’s Day without Mom
Reflecting on the pain of losing Mom, we learn that hope for the future consoles us and gives us the strength to live our lives well.
Life on PurposeSeeing Easter through the eyes of a broken-hearted mother
It takes the broken heart of a mother to remind us of the depth of pain and grief and just how much our indifference can cost.
Presidential campaign provides lessons in arrogance and humility
True humility is the mark of a true leader. It is not passivity or weakness.
Life on Purpose Use your gifts to serve others
“Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
Life on Purpose Giving up distractions for Lent, maybe
I’m giving up distractions for Lent. Well, actually, I’m giving up being distracted for Lent. Yeah. That worked for about the first three minutes after I woke up on Ash Wednesday. After that, I got distracted.
Life on Purpose: God is present in a raging snow storm and in the hush that follows
There is a profound silence, a hush even, that comes, especially with a heavy snow. Though it was cold, the quiet brought a warmth to my soul and comforted me in my newest time of grief.
Understanding God’s ‘suddenlies’
In our times of struggle, it is important to remember that God can and will eventually either change our circumstances or our perspective. When we trust the Lord, it’s a win/win situation.
Living life with purpose-filled intentions
It is a curious thing that we take the end of one year and the beginning of a new year as the time to assess the past and make resolutions for the future.