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Greg Blass

Greg Blass
Greg has spent his life in public service since he enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a teenager. He is a former Suffolk County Family Court judge, six-term Suffolk County legislator and commissioner of Social Services. Now retired, Greg is active in volunteer work and is a board member of several charities. He lives in Jamesport. Email Greg

The end of the car as we know it?

Electric-powered vehicles have been around since the mid-19th century, but improved technology and increased demand may spell the demise of the combustion engine sooner than you think. Column by Greg Blass.

The holidays are here — and it’s a good time to contemplate fasting

Many of us spend the holidays gorging. It's a good time to consider some startling discoveries from recent research on the benefits of fasting.

Manipulation, sensationalism and self-promotion: our police commish at work (while campaigning for district attorney)

Why did Police Commissioner Tim Sini hold a press conference announcing a big fentanyl bust three days after police lab tests showed the seized substance was not fentanyl? The DA's office had the bogus charges dismissed in court just few days later. New column by Greg Blass

Who will replace Suffolk DA Spota? Is the race for real — or just a show?

District Attorney Thomas Spota, who is not seeking re-election after 16 years as Suffolk's top prosecutor, faced no opposition in his last three elections, thanks to cross-endorsement deals by party bosses. The county police commissioner is his anointed successor, even without official GOP cross-endorsement. Opinion column by Greg Blass.

The next big thing: How technology will transform supermarkets (again)

As more people shop for groceries and household staples online, brick-and-mortar supermarkets are likely to become a lot less "super," downsizing to specialty markets.

Greg Blass With U.S. research and regulation nearly nonexistent, we must look abroad for information on dangers of cell phone use

Dangers from radio frequency waves are real, especially for children and teens.

Greg Blass How the Suffolk DA came to be the highest-paid elected official in the county — and what you can...

The County Legislature long ago gave up control over the district attorney's pay, which is set by the same state commission that sets the salaries of state judges and state legislators.

Greg Blass Unhappy at work? You’re not alone

A recently released study of 3,000 US workers shows that a majority of Americans are unhappy in the workplace.

Greg Blass When it comes to tick-borne illness, you must be your own advocate

Even today, some doctors know little about it, and have to be coaxed into testing for it.

Greg Blass Politics vs. policy in treating tick-borne illnesses: Which will prevail?

The influence of the health insurance lobby over public health policymakers results in a treatment protocol that puts profits over patients.