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Greg Blass

Greg Blass
Greg has spent his life in public service since he enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a teenager. He is a former Suffolk County Family Court judge, six-term Suffolk County legislator and commissioner of Social Services. Now retired, Greg is active in volunteer work and is a board member of several charities. He lives in Jamesport. Email Greg

Greg Blass: Suffolk politics, a powerful union and 84 dismissed police misconduct complaints

It is clear that the police commissioner, and not a front man, has a lot to explain.

Greg Blass: There is power in positivity

"The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven."

Greg Blass: Education should stoke, not stifle, free thought and free expression

Are our centers of learning molding future generations to push away those who have a different point of view, or philosophy, or belief system?

Greg Blass: The fix is in: Party bosses, not voters, decide who will be Suffolk County’s next district attorney and sheriff

Voters and elections are mere afterthoughts when the party bosses meet behind closed doors to pick candidates and cut cross-endorsement deals.

Greg Blass: Sleep is much more than ‘beauty rest’

Let's consider something little discussed, yet we spend a third of our lives at it: sleep. Not exactly a compelling subject at first glance,...

Greg Blass on EPCAL: Tread carefully, Riverhead

There's more than meets the eye in this suspenseful mix of high-end finance, jet-set real estate investors, a huge, daunting land deal and local politics.

Greg Blass How will the SCCC fitness center fare?

The fitness center at Suffolk County Community College's eastern campus will have a lot of private sector competition on the East End. How will it measure up?

Greg Blass Why the disappearance of butterfly species should worry all of us

Variation is normal, but the numbers of Monarch butterflies have all but crashed. The Monarch's food and nesting source, the wildflower known as milkweed, has disappeared rapidly — 150 million acres of milkweed in the U.S. are gone.

Greg Blass As groundwater quality crisis worsens, it’s time to tap Pine Barrens water reserve

Ever since the undeveloped acres in the Pine Barrens started to be bought up with a specially dedicated, quarter-cent sales tax-funded bonding in 1987, the intention was as a future, rainy day kind of water resource. That rainy day is here — in spades.

Greg Blass The president versus the press: news conferences like we’ve never seen before

A self-confessed presidential news conference groupie, Greg Blass reflects on how the -counterpoint of the past has evolved into punch-counterpunch, with news conferences suited less for the East Room and more for Madison Square Garden.