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Celebrating the meaning of the season: Love, light, hope and peace

Today, we hope the message of this season will be heard throughout the world: Peace on Earth and good will to all!

Denise Civiletti Finding joy in unexpected places

'Tis the season... for feeling completely overwhelmed. Presents yet to buy, a house to clean, gifts to wrap, a dinner to plan, shop for and cook. It can be hard to make time to enjoy what the Christmas season is really all about. Joy!

Denise CivilettiLet’s say thanks to those who serve — around the corner or around the world

As we gather with friends and family to celebrate America’s national day of Thanksgiving today, let’s remember the people who serve and protect us each and every day, the people who make our country and our communities places we cherish.

Denise Civiletti News vs. opinion, the need for intelligent discourse, free speech and all that jazz

“If you disagree with me, fine. Say so. But express yourself like an adult.” Denise Civiletti responds.

Denise Civiletti Denise Civiletti: Yes, let’s save our country. From this man.

Trump has no respect for our Constitution, for our laws, our courts, or our people. He doesn’t care a lick about you or your family. As amply demonstrated by his business record, his only concern is himself.

Denise Civiletti An opinion about opinions. And no, I don’t support Donald Trump for president

I haven't shared my opinions much, for a host of reasons. Yesterday, someone I’ve known a long time, someone I thought knew me well enough to not have to ask, inquired if I am supporting Trump. I was dumbfounded for a second. But it made me realize how silent I've been.

Denise Civiletti Why I was kicked out of the LIRR’s closed-door meeting with public officials

Assemblyman Fred Thiele called an 'invitation' only, closed-door meeting of 'stakeholders' to discuss LIRR's East End service. Stakeholders, as defined by Thiele and the LIRR, don't include the public — taxpayers, riders or members of the press.

Opinion Southold Town applies common sense to a vexing problem of massive proportions

There's been a lot of talk about nitrogen pollution from septic systems. Southold Town has taken an important first step to do something about it.

Rare sighting: Suffolk County legislators in the Suffolk County seat

Something unusual — even rare — has been going on this week. It’s been going on right in our backyard. And hardly anybody’s noticed.

Editor’s Journal The week ahead on the North Fork

Monday, Feb. 22, 2016 Happy Monday to you on this bright, sunny morning. Enjoy today’s sunshine because we won’t be seeing much more of it...