Greg Blass
Suffolk can — and must — do more to revive once-thriving shellfish industry
Suffolk can and must do much more to grow the aquaculture industry in its bays: 600 acres out of the 110,000 in the Peconic Estuary is comparable to the size of a postage stamp.
Greg Blass Agriculture is the lifeblood of our economy — and our future
Why all East End residents need to embrace local agriculture, support it and promote it.
Greg Blass How to make sure a child thrives when parents live apart
Less than half of all kids in the U.S. today live with both biological parents until they reach adulthood. The impacts of this— on the children and society as a whole — are legion. Here's what parents who live apart need to do to help their children thrive. Advice from former family court judge Greg Blass.
Greg Blass We need PC-free discourse to solve public education’s toughest problems
PC worries prevent meaningful discussion of the very real impacts of illegal immigration on local schools.
Greg Blass Cross-Sound tunnel or bridge would fundamentally change the North Fork
The changes that a more accessible Long Island will create may help western Suffolk business, but those same changes would rapidly urbanize eastern Suffolk.
Greg BlassTo fight the heroin epidemic, we must get smarter about prescription opioids
Doctors and patients alike have to give this incredibly powerful agent all the skepticism, respect, and fear it deserves. Its thunderous impact on too many lives demands rethinking and action.
Greg Blass An ode to Abe: a president whose morality, statesmanship and tenacity truly made America great
"With malice toward none, with charity for all...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds... to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
When government forgets it is ‘of… by… and for the people,’ it goes underground
In too many instances, we are favored with furtive antics from some (certainly not all) in OUR government whom we have hired to serve and share with the public. At question is how to tackle what's increasingly clear: "We the People" are time and again, "outta the loop."
Greg Blass: Why are we so broken?
Is the shrinking importance of spirituality and religion linked to modern society's deep cultural malaise?
Start of a new year provides us all the opportunity to hit the reset button
The dawn of a new year brings with it the irresistible urge to take stock and look ahead. Whether you call it a resolution or something else, chances are you're thinking about that fresh start and what you'll do — or not do in the year ahead.