Don’t let your kitchen utensils get you flippin’ mad!
Read Mary Anne Corwin's tips for how to organize even the messiest of utensil drawers in this week's A Place for Everything.
Paper Chase Challenge: going digital with your banking and bills
Declutter your life by going digital. Latest blog by organizing pro Mimi Corwin.
The Paper Chase Challenge
This week, organizing pro Mimi Corwin walks you through ridding your house (and life) of paper products, from stray greeting cards to art projects and beyond. The paper chase challenge is on.
Disaster preparedness: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
Now is good time to prepare your home for any natural disasters like hurricanes, fires, flooding, or even tornados or earthquakes that might come this way.
Remodeling your bathroom: seven things to keep in mind
The average American spends about an hour a day in the bathroom, so when it’s time to remodel, you want to make sure that everything gets done right.
Local designer gives nine essential tips for remodeling your kitchen
Remodeling a kitchen can be a big, costly job. SoutholdLOCAL sat down with local interior designer Dee Ann Federico to discuss the nine most important things to think about when designing a kitchen
Five fruits that will thrive in your backyard
RiverheadLOCAL sat down with Robin Simmen, a horticulture specialist at Cornell Cooperative Extension, to find out exactly which fruits will thrive in North Fork backyards.
Expert tips for starting your own vegetable garden
Starting a veggie garden for the first time but have no idea where to begin? Riverhead LOCAL sat down with Robin Simmen, a community horticulture specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension, who provided some simple tips for starting a veggie garden.
No room for a garden? Local expert gives tips on patio planting
There’s nothing like eating the fresh veggies and herbs that you tenderly cared for and grew in your own garden, but for some homeowners,...
Beautifying your yard without breaking the bank: Five tips from Verderber’s
You don't need to break the bank – or your back – to beautify your yard for summer. To help you bring some life...