A 75-year-old Easthampton man spent 20 minutes in the water off Goldsmith’s boatyard yesterday morning before being rescued by a Southold Town bay constable and police officer.
Two to four inches of snow is expected to fall today across Suffolk County, according to the National Weather Service, which has issued a winter weather advisory, effective from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
After smelling smoke in the area, Southold Town Police Officer Alex Chenche located an active fire in a building on Boisseau Avenue just before midnight Wednesday.
All other departments are scheduled to close at 11:30 a.m. due to the holiday but the tax receiver’s office will be open to take payments until 4 p.m. for residents who want to pay property taxes prior to the new year.
Rep. Lee Zeldin is spending the holidays in the Middle East, traveling to countries within the U.S. Central Command area of operations, meeting with troops, diplomatic personnel and foreign leaders.
The next time LIPA petitions the State Public Service Commission for a rate increase, the contractor that manages its supply system will have to disclose its payroll, including executive pay, as well as fees paid to contractors and consultants.
A Lindenhurst man was charged with drugged driving aggravated driving while intoxicated with his 11-month-old daughter in the the backseat yesterday on Route 48...
The task force will hold roundtable meetings with stakeholders and make recommendations by Sept. 30, 2019 to promote marketing and sustainability of New York seafood
The Greenport School District and Village of Greenport are sharing services to provide a safe, fun and inviting opportunity for children to come to the school during the December break to play in a supervised environment.
The bill is not the tax relief middle class wage earners were promised, Zeldin said in a statement this afternoon. Instead it is "a geographic redistribution of wealth" that takes extra money from a place like New York to pay for deeper tax cuts elsewhere.