Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Full Body Tabata
Join Michele McGovern, personal trainer, for her weekly fitness video! For this week's workout, you will need a chair, mat, two paper plates (or hand towels) and one weight (optional)
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Mat Attack
Join Michele McGovern, personal trainer, for her weekly fitness video! For this week's workout, all you'll need is a yoga mat (or a towel).
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Chair Flair
This week's low-impact workout can be done using only a chair. Join Michele McGovern, personal trainer, with the Weekly Workout every Saturday.
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: No More Dreadmill!
In this week's workout, Michele McGovern shows you how to spice up your winter routine with a fun treadmill workout.
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: The Pyramid Workout
Michele McGovern walks you through a pyramid workout, including planks, burpees and bear crawls.
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Ladder blast
In week four in SoutholdLOCAL's new multimedia blog, personal trainer Michele McGovern walks you throw a home-workout using painters' tape.
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Water works
Week three: Water Works! Learn how to incorporate gallons of water into your at-home workout.
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Love, hate & paper plates
In week two in RiverheadLOCAL's new multimedia blog, personal trainer Michele McGovern walks you throw a home-workout using paper plates.
Michele McGovern’s Weekly Workout: Walk the Plank
Join Michele McGovern in her first LOCAL workout routine video, where she'll teach you how to "walk the plank" with her at-home workout!
Using yoga to balance, relax and be healthy
April Yakaboski of Aerial Fitness explains the many benefits of yoga.